First up, the coat.
Simple black coat, not particularly fitted. The leather on the arms hold syringes and knives (which I still need to make most of), and straps are trigger-clipped from the D-rings on the back of the shoulders to the back of these arm bands.
I am very much hoping that it does indeed look rather doctory. Black rather than white for this doctor, because, of course, he is a plague doctor. As far as I know, they were all black with pointy faces, right?
Speaking of pointy faces...
There he is with that plague mask and the air tank for it. Luckily for Peter, my model for Doctor S., it's not too heavy.
My favourite thing about this costume is how similar it actually looks to my final design for it. That, and when Peter decided that he would walk through the canteen at college while wearing it. The comments ranged from 'Oh my god...' to 'Holy crap, that's creepy.'
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