Thursday, 11 April 2013

AFWVG - Doctor Stockill III

It's been a long while since I've mentioned any of my Final Major Project work (in fact, I still have a half-written post on the Plague Rat costume....), but I remembered these this morning.

There is a story behind it, sort of.
I heard from a friend, while working as stage manager for The Ballad of Captain Cook in August, that Stockill had been taken to Newcastle, along with Frankenstein's Monster and a wizard's tower. These were things made by other people in my year at college. Now, I have nothing against the college thinking that my work is good enough to display somewhere, but it would have been nice to know about it at some point which wasn't weeks after the event. I have seen him since, and he is back at the college and mostly undamaged.

One good thing that came out of this, though, is that someone was wonderful enough to take photos, which I then came across on flickr.

And so, here they are!

The next step is to get my damn costumes back from the college and finally manage to do a proper photoshoot.