Wednesday, 13 March 2013


On Saturday, I had my first stall. Me and Gemma (The Little Blue Gem) collected up our stock and took a trip up to Gateshead for Anachronism Steampunk and Cyberpunk convention. It was the first of these, so the turn out wasn't massive, but that was fine by me! I wouldn't want to jump in with a big event like Whitby Goth Weekend or Leeds Steampunk Market. This was nice, just being able to relax. Nothing too hectic. Some people bought some things, a lot of people made 'ooh, interesting!' noises and my Scavenger mask got a LOT of compliments. 
A few people were interested in commissions, including a klingon. Yes. A klingon. It wasn't that unusual, considering that there were a few Storm Troopers milling around, and a Darth Vader at one point (plus some other characters I couldn't identify with my limited Star Wars knowledge). I am actually rather looking forward to having another stall somewhere, but I will have to take somebody to sit with me, or take a notebook of some kind. Or both. We shall see!