Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Sun Wukong

Second year costume project; Chinese Opera
Based on the character of Sun Wukong, the Monkey King

Tribal-Steampunk Headdress

Second year costume project based on 'hats'.
The most amazing fake fur, but real little antlers from a deer up in Scotland. Various clock parts salvaged from old mechanisms and beads from all sorts of places. I've got a fossil strung up on the back there too.

Friday, 21 October 2011

Ringmaster II

Aaaand here we have the final design for my Ringmaster. Just a little bit of faff with fabrics and I can get started on that jacket.

Saturday, 15 October 2011


My current chunk of work is my minor project for my degree, in which I'm designing and making some costume bits for a little circusy troupe with a theme of playing cards. Who doesn't love playing cards?

First up in the Circus Deck is the Ringmaster, of course. Going with some military junk along with the tailcoat and top hat because, well, card soldiers. It's a common enough idea. And since he's the ringmaster, he's the boss, so he gets extra fancy epaulettes and big-ass cuffs.

That's the design set for Mr. Ringmaster. It's mostly just a change in the jacket, since that's what I'd be making for this project, but it gets a bit more military-y with the design on the front and the shoulder-cord things. It's probably going to get more tweaks before the final-final design, but the third one is the look I'm aiming for.

And the second set, which looks like a super-bling ringmaster. He's based off of the face cards, like the Jack and so on, hence why he's got yellow and zig-zags thrown in there too. I must say, I do love this (especially the second one with the military stuff of the first mixed in), but it's not the look I'm after. It's not dark and grungy at all.